Engage Dawson

Our Recommended Plan is Ready!

 Thanks to all the input we received from many people, businesses, organisations and governments, we were able improve our Draft Plan and release our Recommended Plan, along with a Plan Summary and Highlights document. You can explore these here.






The Plan Parties (Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in and Yukon Governments) are consulting on the Recommended Plan before either approving it or recommending a final round of changes back to us. Though we will not be leading the consultation, we will attend many of the consultation events. We look forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming Events:

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Commission established, info gathering, and initial public engagement


June 2021 - November 1, 2021

Draft Plan consultation

We heard from a variety of people, businesses, organisations, and governments over 5 months.

September 2022 onwards

Recommended Plan consultation

Based on feedback on the Draft Plan, we recommended a plan for the region. This time, the Parties are consulting.

September 2022 onwards


Final Recommended Plan

If requested by the Parties, we will modify our Recommended Plan, and offer a Final one. The Parties will consult on this one too.

Parties to the Plan

This planning process comes from Chapter 11 of the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Final Agreement, and is made possible by the active involvement of the Parties to this agreement.

Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in
Yukon Government
©2025 Dawson Regional Planning Commission
